Product center

Four way dense car depot

Product features:

  1. The four-way shuttle truck rack is an intelligent high-density storage rack type that utilizes the four-way shuttle truck to run on the horizontal and vertical tracks of the rack. The horizontal movement and storage of goods are only completed by one shuttle truck, combined with the transfer of elevator layers. By utilizing the mutual cooperation of the automated warehouse management system (WMS) and warehouse scheduling system (WCS), the goal of warehouse automation is achieved, greatly improving the automation of storage management, It is a new generation of intelligent shelf systems with broad application potential

Applicable scope:

  1. The four-way shuttle three-dimensional warehouse is an efficient, flexible, and safe modern dense storage system that can accelerate the transportation of goods and reduce the input of manual labor. Suitable for low traffic and high-density storage, it can also be used for high traffic and high-density storage, which is an effective way to achieve maximum cost, efficiency, and resource utilization for enterprises.